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Friday 9 August 2013


Dear friends, welcome to the Network-Protocol-Hangout. Ever wanted to do a course in Hardware or Networking ,Cisco Certified Networking or Microsoft Servers or even a certified professional Linux course like Red Hat Linux ? Then look no further ! The N-P-H provides you with notes and other study material,all totally free.We all know that these professional courses come at a considerably high pricing and that,many students/learners will find it difficult to afford the large sums.Hence,the intention of this blog is to provide free notes to those students and help them learn these courses . Our motto is "knowledge is to be shared,not hoarded".Everybody has the right to learn,if they cannot afford it financially,we shall help them by giving it free of cost. So,a warm welcome to our blog and keep checking it regularly for all the stuff we post .
                                                        Happy Learning !

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